Explore Ottery St Mary
Explore Ottery St Mary
Where to park?
You can park for 2hrs for free in Sainsburys for visiting the town centre
Hind Street, Ottery St. Mary EX11 1BW
Need to park for longer than 2hrs?
There are two carparks - Canaan Way, Ottery St Mary EX11 1EQ
Brook Street Car park - Brook Street, Ottery St Mary EX11 1EZ
Explore by shop/ service type: -
Shops: -
Abbots DIY - Jesu Street - https://www.abbottsdiy.co.uk/
Ashby Crane Paul - Jewellers - www.ashbycraneandco.co.uk
Curious Otter - Bookshop - Mill Street - https://www.beautifulnotebooks.co.uk/
Devon Eco Boutique - Lifestyle Shop - 11 broad Street
Dilly's Florist - Mill Street - https://www.dillysflorist.co.uk/
Gorunya - Craft /Classes - Mill Street - https://gorunya.uk/
Hospiscare - Broad Street - www.hospiscare.co.uk
Infocus - Mill Street - infocus-charity.org.uk
Julias Collection - Mother of the bride shop - https://www.juliascollection.co.uk/
Otter Wishes -Gift shop - Broad Street https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057285976336
Ottery Office & Computer LTD - Mill Street - https://www.otterycomputers.co.uk/
Roberts DIY - Broad Street - https://robertsottery.com/
Rabbit & Co Greengrocers, Cheese& Wine - Broad Street https://rabbitandco.uk/
Sup Dawg - Dogshop - Broad Street - Awaiting update
The Ottery Flooring Company - Mill Street - https://www.otteryflooring.co.uk/
Food & Drink: -
The Crusty Cobb - Bakery - Broad Street - www.thecrustycob.com
Sup Dawg - Dogshop - Broad Street - Awaiting update
Fat Otter - Yonder Street - https://Fatotter.co.uk
Rabbit & Co Greengrocers, Cheese&wine - Broad Street - https://rabbitandco.uk/
Silver Otter - Cafe - Silver Street - https://www.facebook.com/TheSilverOttera2a
The Coffee Bank - Cafe - Silver St -https://www.facebook.com/thecoffeebankottery
The London Inn - Pub - Gold St - https://the-london-inn-ottery-saint-mary.edan.io/
The Volunteer Inn - Pub - Broad Street - https://volunteerinnottery.co.uk/
Flag & Lamb - Menu
Coldharbour - Farm shop & field kitchen -https://www.coldharbourfarmshop.co.uk/
Activities / Classes: -
Gorunya - Craft workshops / Classes - Mill Street - https://gorunya.uk/
JW Dance -Dance School - Mill Street - https://www.jowilsondance.co.uk/
Library -
Mini Munchkins - Baby & Toddler group in the Coffee Bank - Mon & Tues morning - Need to book a space